Monday July 24
Prediction: 2:35 PM High-Tide and 8:50 PM Low-Tide
7:00 PM: Sundown. Receding waves of low tide kept you visible.
Took a deep breath to acknowledge it’s okay that I still don’t hear your name. Is that what you want anyway? In taxonomy, you are assigned the name Fucus vesiculosus. The public refers to you as rockweed, sea oak, black tang, poppers and bladderwrack.
Counted 12 steps, walked over sand and pebbles. Arrived at a line of rocks that had been placed there to break the current.
ID: An enclosed space with piles of mid-sized rocks fill the frame like a cave mouth. Single hands length olive-green bladderwrack’s are clinging and hanging shaggy by means of a disc-shaped holdfast on the side of the rocks.
Ah, you, bladderwrack shouted loudly. Closing my eyes, I could have found you and may be fall over the rocks… made me want sushi or a big bowl of ramen. You called so clearly because of your salty seaweed-like odor.
ID: In the upper left corner, critters the barnacles encrust a rock. Through the hole, 2 people stand at a distance with trees and bushes in hazy light.
Slow down.
Catch my bladderwrack moves.